Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reality of a Black Womans Transition

Being a woman in this society has its limits. Being a black woman in society today should be limitless. In contrast, we are, black women, the limited. When we are placed in environments out of our expected element, we have many challenges. I am just an average young black woman, with a little education under my belt. I have been blessed with a pretty good, reasonable, sound mind. For me i get comfortable in my own element, which has cultural restrictions. I love being around my people, good southern country folk. The thing that most confuses people about me is my ability to transcend. I can put myself or avail myself to other elements and still remain that black woman. I feel the hardest thing for a black woman is making a transition from comfortableness to professionalism. I'm referring here to career seeking, job placement, go getters. We need more black women in our school systems, medical field (professionally), financing and lawmaking powerful positions. The REALITY is how do we cope with transition? Do we put forth the effort to transcend or do we live in our own element?