Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reality Check - Natural Hair

I have been growing my hair naturally for almost 11 months. Natural hair for me is the process of weening my hair from perms and other chemicals that may be damaging for the natural hair. I have tried to go natural so many times. I finally reached the REALITY of naturalness by putting forth the effort and learn how to develop this process with ease. It is definitely a lifestyle change.
You have to take care of your body so it can produce healthy natural oils. The oil helps to keep moisture in to your skin and scalp. The natural oils help your hair and prevents your pores from being clogged or bogged down with processed oils. I now take a strong vitamin to promote health and supplements that I don't get through my daily diet. Nuts and any type of peanut oil is good for the hair. I also have to use a deep conditioning treatment twice monthly which softens the hair and provides strength. In a couple of weeks I will provide you all with a picture of me and my natural hair.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lifes Embracing Reality

Life brings many challenges. How difficult it must be to go through life never having embraced any ounce of it. I know it has been a while since I have posted my thoughts on my blog. I have been so busy embracing life. At a very young age I was very fortunate to have learned the value of catching hold to a real foundation. Earlier this year I lost a close friend unexpectedly to a violent death. Her death taught me never to forget to embrace life once or twice leaving a deep impression. She was very young with opportunities awaiting her. Whether she had embraced life or not I will never no the REALITY. I also recently lost my brother-in-law but his death affected me differently. I have actually seen him embrace life and leave a lasting impression. So many different individuals spoke about him in a profound way. He led a life similar to beautiful green foliage sprouting triumphantly through a tattered wire fence.